Auth Modules



This module is used if no authentification is needed, for example, with a Single Sign On in front of DnsCherry.

However, in order to trace who made which action, the user name can be provided in an http header, in that case, having the http header in each request is mandatory.



# auth module to load
auth.module = 'dnscherry.auth.modNone'
# optional http header handling.
#auth.none.user_header_name = 'AUTH_USER'


This module uses an htpasswd file as a users database.


This module requires installing python-passlib.



# name of the auth module
auth.module = 'dnscherry.auth.modHtpasswd'
# path to htpasswd file
auth.htpasswd.file = '/etc/dnscherry/users.db'


This module authentificates users against an ldap server.


This module requires installing python-ldap,


As python-ldap is not compatible with python 3.x, DnsCherry must be launched with python 2.7.



# name of the auth module
auth.module = 'dnscherry.auth.modLdap'
# base dn where to search user
auth.ldap.userdn = 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=org'
# ldap login filter
auth.ldap.user.filter.tmpl = '(uid=%(login)s)'
# base dn for group (optional)
# (if empty, all user in userdn can access dnscherry)
auth.ldap.groupdn = 'cn=itpeople,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org'
# ldap group filter (optional, except if auth.ldap.groupdn is defined) = '(member=%(userdn)s)'
# bind dn
auth.ldap.binddn = 'cn=dnscherry,dc=example,dc=org'
# bind password
auth.ldap.bindpassword = 'password'
# ldap uri
auth.ldap.uri = 'ldap://'
# ldap CA file (optional, used for ssl/tls) = '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem'
# enable starttls (optional, default off, don't use it with ldaps)
auth.ldap.starttls = 'on'
# check certificat (optional, default on)
auth.ldap.checkcert = 'on'

Implementing your own auth modules

Implementing your own modules should be fairly easy, just create a python module with a class inheriting from dnscherry.auth.Auth, and implement the __init__ and check_credentials methods:

import cherrypy
import dnscherry.auth
import logging

class Auth(dnscherry.auth.Auth):

    def __init__(self, config, logger=None):
        """ module initialization
        initialize the auth module
        the 'auth' section of the ini file is passed by 'config'
        @hash config: the 'auth' section of the ini file
        @logger logger: the dnscherry error logger
        self.logger = logger

        # get param1, with default value 'hello'
        self.param1 = self._get_param('auth.mymod.param1', 'hello')

        # get param2, with no default value
        # if not provided in the 'auth' section, DnsCherry will emit
        # a log telling that the parameter is missing and exit(1)
        self.param2 = self._get_param('auth.mymod.param2')

        # emit a custom log
             'my module is initialized'

    def check_credentials(self, username, password):
        """ Check credential function (called on login)
        @str username: the login to check
        @str password: the password to check
        @rtype: bool (True if authentificated, False otherwise)

        # simple module checking only one user/password
        return username == 'george' and password == 'password'